Saturday, July 14, 2012

McKnight in shining armor?!

Empower Texas wrote an article concerning Trent McKnight, a "common sense Republican" running for State Representative. The piece mainly discusses his position on taxes and money issues that are involved in public education. McKnight’s view, according to a video posted by AgendaWise is that the public education system has “both a spending and a revenue problem” that needs to be addressed, which typically means that higher taxes will be imposed in order to correct this. Something else that is brought to light is that McKnight refuses to sign the Taxpayer Protection Pledge, which says that one will oppose any vote to increase taxes on their district, even though he says that he is against higher taxes. Another contradictory example of McKnight’s viewpoints is that he has typically voted “Strong Democrat”, but only recently changed to run for office. This article is one that others should be informed about because people should know who is planning on raising taxes on their hard earned money, and for what cause. According to this piece Trent McKnight is planning on doing so, but at least it is for something that does need attention, which is for our public education system.

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