Friday, July 27, 2012

Preventing a Massacre

          The recent tragedy in Aurora, Colorado has spiked a lot of discussion about gun control, and in a state like Texas that phrase seems to be hushed, but should it be? Texas is considered “friends of NRA,” which only means that it supports the National Rifle Association (NRA). The NRA is a lobbyist group that tries to protect our Second Amendment right to bear arms, while also encouraging firearm ownership rights.

          Texas is a southern state with citizens that like to go hunting for sport and protect their family, and property, which means people in this part of the country really support their right to bear arms freely for recreational and security purposes. So since these are the only reasons for needing to bear arms, then Texas should be more than willing to make it as difficult as possible for people like James Holmes to obtain a weapon in this state.

          Many restrictions can be implemented in order for that not to happen, while still maintaining the Second Amendment’s rights. For example, ammunition sellers should report a large quantity of product being sold to law enforcement, or requiring a background checks or even a psychological evaluations in order to be able to purchase a gun. It all seems like a very easy solution, however lobby groups like NRA are too influential and those that desire to purchase guns for sport or protection are uninterested in the laws making it harder for them to acquire these weapons.

          It needs to be a priority for not only the state of Texas but also for the country as a whole that we get gun control under control, because for all of the large massacres that are reported nation wider, there are also smaller incidents that occur under the radar. The state of Texas is one of the largest and most influential in the United States, so if they take a stand on something that Texas has traditional supported and decide to crack down on, then others will follow. We need to decide that making a change is necessary, even if it means more tedious duties required in order to purchase a weapon or ammunition. We should want every possible measure to be taken to ensure our safety as a state and country.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Children's Education vs. Political Problems

        The Social Media Coordinator for Empower Texans, Dustin Matocha wrote a blog concerning the Democratic Senator Wendy Davis’ tweet about how Texas school districts are now forced to increase taxes because the Texas Legislature decided to cut back on public school funding. Matocha believes that Davis’ comment has two incorrect aspects. The first of these is Legislature did not cut funding, but actually just reducing the overfunding that public schools have been receiving. The second wrong piece of information was that just because funding is being reduced, does not mean that they are “forced” to raise taxes. Matocha gives various examples of ISDs that are spending large amounts of money on unnecessary things like a $60 million high school football stadium. “In the 2011 TEA Snapshot report, Carroll ISD was spending less than 35% of their total funding in the classroom.”
        With Empower Texans being a conservative blog, as well as Dustin Matocha being the Chairman of the Young Conservatives when he attended Texas for UT Austin; the commentary was intended for other conservatives in Texas. Throughout the article, Matocha makes comments that tactfully attack the viewpoints of liberals, and makes it seem like he is only criticizing what she said because she is a Democrat. Even the title “Chicken Little Politics,” makes it seem as though she is kind of a liar. However, Matocha does make some worthy arguments concerning Davis’ tweet, like his point about how barely one third of the school funding goes to the classroom expenses. The school districts just need to figure out how to use their money in a more responsible manner, and that is the point that Matocha should have made.

Friday, July 20, 2012

"Fishkin" for Money

Joseph Fishkin, an assistant professor in the School of Law at the University of Texas, wrote an article in the Austin American Statesmen, arguing that Governor Rick Perry should advice rather than oppose Texans supporting the significantly expanded Medicaid program that is part of Obamacare. Fishkin’s argument to support the new Medicaid program is that the federal government will pay 90 percent or more to of the cost, and since Texas has the highest rate of uninsured in the nation,  they will have the most to gain from this expansion in Medicaid. According to figures from Kaiser, Texas will receive $52.5 billion in 2014 for this program, which accounts for more than half of Texas’s budget. So Fishkin is making his case to Texas Republican’s, that they should not turn down this federal money just because Republicans oppose Obamacare and this Medicaid expansion is part of Obamacare. Fishkin wants people to think logically and not ideologically. He seems to have done the necessary research and in his commentary, he states facts that were found, like the Kaiser figures.  However, Fishkin’s only problem in his claim would be that this plan could possibly help out Texan’s but he is not thinking about how all of that federal money would affect the US as a whole. The argument he makes for this, is that Texan’s will be paying for the expanded Medicaid program in our federal taxes anyway, but if we turn down the money then our taxes will just support other states. This is a very good point, but Fishkin does not seem to have an issue with this looming problem that the US is bound to face. Since Fishkin is an assistant professor of Law, his argument is very convincing and to point, and the logic is there. However it is unclear whether or not the audience, Texas Republicans, will necessarily buy into what he is asking of them.
Fishkin: Perry should change course to accept Medicaid funding,, written 7/13/2012, found 7/20/2012

Saturday, July 14, 2012

McKnight in shining armor?!

Empower Texas wrote an article concerning Trent McKnight, a "common sense Republican" running for State Representative. The piece mainly discusses his position on taxes and money issues that are involved in public education. McKnight’s view, according to a video posted by AgendaWise is that the public education system has “both a spending and a revenue problem” that needs to be addressed, which typically means that higher taxes will be imposed in order to correct this. Something else that is brought to light is that McKnight refuses to sign the Taxpayer Protection Pledge, which says that one will oppose any vote to increase taxes on their district, even though he says that he is against higher taxes. Another contradictory example of McKnight’s viewpoints is that he has typically voted “Strong Democrat”, but only recently changed to run for office. This article is one that others should be informed about because people should know who is planning on raising taxes on their hard earned money, and for what cause. According to this piece Trent McKnight is planning on doing so, but at least it is for something that does need attention, which is for our public education system.